Janeen Gibson
823 FM 1528 N. – PO BOX 439
Cooper, TX 75432
Office: 903-300-3917
Fax: 903-395-2328
Cooper ISD offers all students, in grades K-12, academic opportunities that will equip them with the tools necessary to reach their individual college and career goals and preparation for their post secondary education. Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information.
Google Classroom Codes
Add the Google Classroom for your graduating class! I will post information, links, and other materials there for you throughout the year!
Class of 2025: t2hqxzo
Upcoming events for Freshman, Sophomore, and Juniors will be shared via social media, email, or call-outs.
The top ten percent of the graduating class qualifies for automatic admission to public Texas universities under education code 51.803. The top twenty-five percent of the graduating class qualifies for automatic admission.
Classroom Presentations: Meet with students to review and answer any questions concerning schedules, Graduation Requirements, Endorsements and Pathway Options.
Review Progress Reports and develop academic plans as needed.
Checkpoint #1
Hold classroom presentations and discuss Course Selections, Endorsements, Pathway Options, Recommended Graduation Plan and Dual Credit Options. Students will actually review the Course Catalog and complete the Course Selection Form.
Checkpoint #2
Schedule Parent Information Night by grade level to discuss HB5 Recommended Graduation Plan, Endorsements, Pathway Options, Cooper ISD Course Selections, and Dual Credit Options. We will also discuss College and Career Readiness opportunities available to all students at Cooper ISD.
Review Progress Reports and develop academic plans as needed.
Checkpoint #3
February- July
Meet with students and parents to discuss individual course selections, academic progress, and endorsement track. Each student must have a signed Graduation Plan on file.
Examinations for Acceleration or Course Credit
If a student in grades 1–12 wishes to accelerate to the next grade level or earn course credit without having received prior instruction in the grade level or course, the District shall offer opportunities in accordance with state law and State Board rules for the student to take a Board-approved examination for this purpose.
Grades 6–12
A district shall give a student in grades 6–12 credit for an academic subject in which the student has received no prior instruction if the student scores:
A three or higher on a College Board advanced placement examination that has been approved by the board for the applicable course;
A scaled score of 50 or higher on an examination administered through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and approved by the board for the applicable course; or
Eighty percent or above on any other criterion-referenced test approved by the board for the applicable courses.
Annual Administration
A district shall administer each exam approved by the board not fewer than four times each year. A district must provide windows to test between January 1 and March 31, April 1 and June 30, July 1 and September 30, and October 1 and December 31, unless the exam’s administration date is established by an entity other than the district.
Limitations on Taking Examinations
A student may not attempt to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course more than two times. If a student fails to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course before the beginning of the school year in which the student would ordinarily be required to enroll in that course in accordance with the district’s prescribed course sequence, the student must satisfactorily complete the course to receive credit for the course.
A district shall not charge for examinations for acceleration. If a parent requests an alternative examination, the district may administer and recognize results of a test purchased by the parent or student from Texas Tech University or the University of Texas at Austin.
STAAR Assessments Required for Graduation: Eng I, Biology, Alg I, Eng II, US History
Performance Acknowledgements: Dual Credit Coursework: 12 hours with 3.0 GPA or higher
Outstanding Performance: Dual Credit Coursework; PSAT, Aspire, SAT, ACT, AP or IB exam
Certification: Nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certificate or license
Cooper ISD offers course selections for all five Endorsements under House Bill 5 Graduation Plan Requirements.
Many colleges have insittution specific scholarships that students need to consider when choosing an institution. Check below beneath the institutions.
Midwestern State University
Priddy Foundation Scholars Program: need based scholarship covering tuition, fees, room, board, and a study abroad for ten students each year.
Texas A&M University-Commerce
The Honors College programs are being revamped to increase their enrollment this year. This is a merit based scholarship that requires admittance to the univeristy and a separate application. More details on the new program outline to come!
Univeristy of Texas-Austin
Forty Acres Scholars Program: merit-based program for incoming freshman at UT-Austin that provides students with financial assistance and a multitude of opportunities to grow as a student. This link provides information about the program and directions for the application process
The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.
This assessment will also be used to guide students as they plan for college and career pursuits based on identified interest provided by the ASVAB. Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to participate.
Test Date for the 2024-25 School Year: TBD
Administered at First Baptist Church (bus transportation provided)
ASVAB Results Seminar: TBD
Cooper HS Library
Please visit ASVAB Website for more information.
This transition and employment guide is for you, the student in Texas public school, who may have received special education services due to a disability. It also provides helpful information for your parents.
This guide has steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to find the right work or educational choices for you after high school. It also tells you where to get the services you will need after high school. The guide is divided into sections on Self Advocacy, Transition Services, Employment and Supported Employment, Social Security Programs, Community and Long Term Services and Supports, Postsecondary Educational Programs and Services, Information Sharing, and Guardianship and Alternatives. Each section has phone numbers, emails, and websites to help you find what you need. At the end of each section and at the end of the guide, you will find a timeline of steps that you and your parents can take as you make the transition from student to adult.
Click on the link for the full guide. A paper copy will be provided upon request.
Newsletters includes articles about Stopping the Summer Slide, Finding Summer Jobs, Getting Involved in Decision-Making, and Emergency Care Guide, and Healthy Snacks.
Please click on the link to access the information in English & Spanish
Janeen Gibson
823 FM 1528 N. – PO BOX 439
Cooper, TX 75432
Office: 903-300-3917
Fax: 903-395-2328